понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

david griffith

Seriously, if i hear someone say someone is fake, or that I am fake one more time I�may flip the fuck out.� Actually Iapos;m just going to flip the fuck out really quick on livejournal okay.� Iapos;m a real person and I�have real feelings. �There is nothing fake about it.� Iapos;m sorry that Iapos;m actually happy the majority of the time in my life.� Wait Iapos;m not sorry, not at all even a little bit.� But if being happy means being fake then goodness gracious Iapos;m fake.� Maybe instead of judging people constantly you should work on your own happiness.� You control your own level of involvement.� You control your own happiness. �Stop letting other people do it for you. �Stop letting other people dictate your every choice, decision, or thought.� Donapos;t be done just because Iapos;m done. �Be done because you fucking want to be done.� And stop pushing the blame off on everyone else.� You are all the qualities you hate in other people.� You use the same lines over and over. �Change, breaks, time, different... You are not different.� You will never be different.� And you are so transparent itapos;s sickening.

*disclaimer, this is in no way directed�to one person in particular.� But if you think it is directed toward you then it probably is.

Whew.� So itapos;s Monday afternoon.� And itapos;s gorgeous outside.� I�went swinging on my lunch break.� You know how I�feel about swinging.� Tonight Iapos;m going to have dinner with my mother.� And freeze inside at a hockey game.

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blank pen turning

In de media lees je vaak 'mooie' woorden. Zelf bedacht, meestal zelf gecombineerd. Net als bij een grap is het moeten uitleggen van de clou uit den boze. Je moet het meteen doorhebben.


Kan de leraarrollator zonder uitleg? Een item uit de Spits van maandag� 19 oktober.
De billen doen het beter, de finalebillen wel te verstaan. Zeker als die tekst onder het plaatje staat in de Metro van vandaag.


Als je op straat je ogen open hebt, legt je al snel de link met de reusachtige billenbillboard .
Gorilla (Volkskrant, vr 17 oktober) maakt wel de mooiste woorden op de op dat moment zieltogende ING. Wat een verrukking

baseball high poll school virginia west, blank pen turning, blank pen stabilized, blank pen rattle snake, blank pen.

воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

anderson background gillian religious

Today, one of the employees went into the bathroom to clean it and found


Plus, today I had to work with one guy who I cannot stand. Heapos;s a cocky son of a bitch who insists on telling everyone heapos;s from the midwest(every customer. EVERY customer). �I donapos;t know why but it annoys the hell out of me. He also is too busy telling everyone heapos;s from�the midwest�to get any of his work done. Awesome.

anderson background gillian religious, anderson back pamela tattoo, anderson back mike nfl running, anderson b bishop craig.

суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

age concern leicestershire rutland

Donapos;t scream at me, or call me stupid thanks. I know Iapos;m one already. 2x fucking shit happened today.
  1. Mum fell down while walking around in the house at 5a.m+�
  2. I paid 1000SGD�to watch another friendship fall
Mumapos;s pretty alright now, still very alive and kicking, but I had to forsake my Canon Photography Marathon thingy ):�Urgh, Itapos;s like finally an event for photographers, then it just vanished into thin air.

Most idiotically, I�foolishly lend a huge sum of money to someone Iapos;d call as a good friend. True enough, audrey is officially blind once again. Happened that I�met S�randomly while on the way back, we chatted and the beans were spilled. S even reprimanded me furiously saying how dumb I can get allowing someone to borrow 1k and for me to believe in a fable. Urgh, like HOW THE HELL WOULD I KNOW LAH.

Once someone even labeled me as a "faithful dog" , yeah I gettit, so iapos;m one afterall. I really have no idea how to express this deep shit Iapos;m feeling right now, constantly letting some friends manipulate me, deceiving through sweet words and charitable acts. The worst part wasnapos;t watching the thousand dollars fly into someone elseapos;s hands, but watching someone I called a friend trample on something I�hold so dearly. This friendship.

"Call him and get the money back lah."

You think I�didnapos;t? Iapos;ve tried for weeks man, and sad to say heapos;s just basically avoiding. S even told me he went away on a vacation already, like seriously wth? Talk about drama man.

It came to a point that Iapos;m seriously devastated with friends. If he wants the money over our friendship so badly, there, take it, like how you shamelessly lied your way into this friendship and walked away once youapos;ve achieved your aim. And why do i feel so upset with myself for trusting people again. Oh because you once said ,�"How can others trust you if you donapos;t start to trust others?" . An obvious plot of yours I must say.

Forget it, Iapos;m not gonna whine any longer because I donapos;t even see the point of doing so, when itapos;s all my fault in the beginning. Thank you S for comforting me. And those who read this post, try not to mention about this issue if you happen to meet me or something. Iapos;d rather let you guys think Iapos;m really dumb, rather than answering to your questions.


cinema 4d xl serial, age concern leicestershire rutland, age concern london.

пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.


Friday, 10/17
7:45 - 2:45

Today was a busy, busy day, as is usual for Friday. A combination of the two 5th grade classes came in to work on Mesopotamia, since the rest of the 5th grade was away at a track meet. Not sure what thatapos;s about, but it was a different mix of kids so at least itapos;s different. Second period was 7H, who finished up their spreadsheet math and got a quick intro for the Electoral College project. It will be interesting, as 7H is two days behind 7B. Fun�During the 8th grade math period, I met with Ms. D to go over what 1D is doing this coming week for math. Theyapos;re working on money now, so weapos;re planning an activity that uses Kidspiration to let them manipulate coins to make change. I had originally thought KidPix, but Bob suggested Kidspiration. Iapos;m kind of sad that I didnapos;t think of it, of course it works so much better. Someday Iapos;ll get better at thinking of things like that�When 7B came, it was day 2. They watched a cute BrainPOP video about presidential elections, which I think helped them understand. Then they worked on their research a little bit more, which went fairly well at first. When they met with their groups, it was hellacious. Most of them didnapos;t get anything accomplished, and those that did were ready to move on to something else. The gap between the classes is large, but now there is a big gap between students in the class itself. I�was feeling down after the class ended because it went poorly (and I did make an announcement that I expected better work out of them next week), but Bob and I talked through better ways to do things and Iapos;m feeling a little better. Trial and error�In the afternoon we also had 3G, who worked in KidPix, and plenty of time to organize things for Monday. Letapos;s hope it goes better next week.
dantendorfer, danten, dantello, danteller.

boating stores

Oh great, here I�go again. Iapos;m stuck in this rut.
Not sure how to begin. Should I�tell you everything?
Iapos;m feeling out of luck. So I�wonapos;t see you soon.
Cuz I�know its to soon for you to see me.
If this is the last thing you do.
Just tell me that its ok for me to have these feelings for you.
And that its normal to want to call you
Oh Iapos;m dialing the phone, letting it ring for hours.
Pretending to hear your voice.
Why does my heart always beat before yours does.
After a while you can make yourself believe in almost anything.
Iapos;m making myself believe in you.

I�thought I�was over this. As it turns out I�wasnapos;t even close to being over it. Weird huh?
boating stores, boating stuff, boating suplies, boating supplie store.

четверг, 16 октября 2008 г.

asian rich list

Application software is software that is designed to perform a specific and direct task such as word processors, spreadsheets and media players.� System software is software that controls computer hardware so that application software can perfom its task.� An example of system software would be operating systems.� The difference is the level of user control and its role in performing direct tasks

clickxg, asian rich list, asian rich list 2003, asian rich list 2004, asian rich list 2005.

danials summit

I work night shift as a caregiver in a dementia unit and iapos;m finding it somewhat difficult to balance my eating.

while iapos;m at work i usually snack on tea and fruits, maybe some crackers or a bit of chocolate. When i get home at around 0700 i eat some more fruit, go to sleep, wake up at 1500 and have a soup + salad meal. My dinner is usually heavier, around 8pm with a combo of two of the following: salad, bean dish, sandwich, smoothie. I go to work at 2230.

it seems like iapos;m eating all the time... I usually snack throughout my waking hours just to meet my calorie needs (1200-1550), but sometimes i exceed them because my body seems to think i need more. I get 7-8 hours of sleep a day, so i know sleep habits have little to do with my "overeating".

iapos;m pretty active. I do cardio (spin classes, jogging, elliptical, power walking) five or six days a week for at least an hour. (iapos;m going to do pilates or something at home once i figure out some way to fit it into my schedule.)

i guess iapos;m worried that working night shift is going to "mess up" my weight loss. I know working nights can alter a personapos;s metabolism and their body over all. Itapos;s not a reasonable option for me to move to day shift work-- i donapos;t like day shift for multiple reasons, one of them being that when i get home from work, iapos;m so exhausted that i canapos;t bear to do anything but nap. I honestly have more energy if i work night shift

so anyway, what could i do differently to still manage to lose weight?

HT: 5apos;2"
SW: 124 lbs
CW: ~120 lbs
GW: 112 lbs by december 5
danials summit, danials summit lodge, danials window, danialson.